Even the court can't touch your money if you keep it in this scheme!!

What if in the near future you have huge debt and your creditors sue you? Or you have a marital dispute and your spouse claims alimony at the court! If you have a shortage of money the court can order to sell your movable or immovable property to honor the claim. 
Nightmare isn't it?! You are probably thinking about whether you should dig a hole beneath your house to hide some of your hard-earned money. Relax. There is a better way.

What I am talking about is Public Provident Fund or commonly known as PPF which apart from the Sovereign Guarantee provided by the Government of India also enjoys absolute immunity against any court orders. It means even if you have to sell everything else to save yourself the court can't touch a single penny that you deposited in it over the years.

So what exactly is PPF? It's an Account meant for long-term savings where you can deposit up to Rs. 1.5 Lakh every year and will get the entire corpus back at maturity of 15 years with interest. 

What makes PPF more attractive is its high-interest rate which normally dwells between 7% to 8%. The Government declares the interest rate every quarter, currently which is 7.1%.

The high-interest rate and the power of compounding due to its long-term nature generate a huge corpus at maturity.

It also enjoys Income Tax benefits under Section 80C up to 1.5 lakh year every year which makes it an excellent Tax Savings Instrument also.

Due to the Sovereign Guarantee by the Government of India, even if your bank goes bankrupt you will get your money back!

Unfortunately, the immunity is limited to court orders only. It is not protected from an order by the income tax authorities in the case of any debt or liability incurred by the PPF account holder.

So much benefit in a single scheme isn't it? So what are you waiting for? Visit your bank and open it right now!!



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